Honey!?! I Think Knitters Have Gotten Into The House And Are Starting To Build Nests Again! HONEY!?!?!?

So I saw these cute mitten and stocking patterns in the aforementioned IK and decided I needed a few of those, too. To them I added some store-bought knit ornaments from Cost Plus (at half price) and before I realized what I was doing, I had a knitting tree. If you look closely you can see the white mitten at the top instead of a star. This is in my dining room, which is in reality the knitting and computer room. You'll notice that I have a pink Denise set under the tree, and yesterday I spent a while gathering up my huge collection of Clover bamboo circs and trying to figure out how to sell them on ebay. With the help of my ever-patient husband I did finally get them listed, I'm selling them in lots according to the cable size. And hoping someone will want them as much as I did when I bought them. They are here, here, here and here.

While the small tree in the knitting room is about knitting, I decided that the mantel would be about birds and the forest. If you look closely you see a whole lot of bird ornaments and bird houses. I keep thinking I'll go out and cut off a dead branch to hang more birds from. Hain't made it out there yet.

You'll notice that the bird houses have little handmade stockings hanging from them...

And here finally are the trees in our living room. I used to put up a 7 ft tree each year that took me 3 days to set up and decorate. And it was gorgeous. It is admittedly a fake, but such a good fake that I would always catch people pinching the tips of the branches to see how fresh it was. Here in the desert, the last year I bought a real tree it was $85. And they are already pretty darned dead. My secret with the fake tree was always to buy a live wreath so that the room has the smell of evergreens. Works like a charm.
Then after my winter of pneumonia two years ago, I decided to hell with the 3 day tree, and I put up these little puppies instead...

You are looking through into the dining room, and right behind the lattice to the left is my knitting chair, and behind the lattice to the right is the back of the desk that I sit at as I write this.
I post this all for my pathetic sister, who wants to see my decorations. Now I get to nag and ask her if she has updated her blog in the last century.
Ohhhh your house is sooo pretty. I love all of your decorations!! I snooped on over here cuz I had to see the gift you "let outta the bag" for your sister LOL from your Knittalk email LOL.
Wonderful images! You have a lot of room in your house.
Such clever decorations-- I love 'em!
Anxiously awaiting reports of the Colour Your Own sweater. That's what I was thinking about doing next, only I was waiting till after Christmas to buy the yarn.
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