Saturday, April 08, 2006

Knitting Heaven

Nicky Epstein is my Knitting Goddess, and I shall place no other Knitting Goddesses before her!

Last August I pre-ordered her new book, Knitted Flowers, in eager anticipation of it's scheduled end-of-September release. Which was then postponed to mid-December, which was then postponed til the end of April. But that is okay, I could be content to wait forever, as long as it eventually got here while I was still able to read and remembered what knitting needles were for.

So this morning, after knitting too much as usual while my house gradually falls to dust around me, I finally went down to the bedroom to wash up and take my shower, make the bed - all those dull things that take time away from knitting, but are the necessary last bastion before utter depravity - and I heard the mailman's jeep coming up the drive. Now, the mailman is the only person on earth other than my husband who knows that on days when I don't need to leave the house - or on all other days until I DO need to leave the house - I wander about braless in t-shirts and sweats with my hair sticking out in 8 directions. He knows this only because when the mailman is driving up the drive, it means we have a package. And that package is inevitably for me, and that package is inevitably about knitting, so I don't give a rat's fanny how I look, I am skipping gaily out the door to meet him before he even comes to a full stop and the dust has settled.

Today it was, at last, Knitted Flowers! O heaven! O joy! Leaving the bed half-made, one puff on my asthma inhaler still to go, a sink full of dishes to wash, and a shower to take before going out in an hour for a doctor appointment, I ripped open the package and took it out. SIGH! And sat down in my knitting chair to look through it. It is bee-yoo-tiful. So many lovely things. So inspiring - spring projects are coming to life in my head like Hydras. It takes the VK emphasis on new femininity in knitting to the next step. Ahhhhhh! Beautiful photography, gorgeous flowers of every sort and every method. You gotta have this.

Last week my husband (aka Why-do-you-need-more-knitting-books? Sorenson) bought Dazzling Knits for me. If you haven't seen it, you must look - Lovely stuff! So I had to immediately begin making the jacket on the cover with the Noro Transitions that I am accumulating a stash of. Had to. I know, it is plain foolhardy to start making a jacket with a yarn that retails at $25 for 130 yds, but it was here, the book is here, the yarn is a heavier weight than the pattern calls for, I'm faking it as I go along. So far it is really looking great and I am enjoying it immensely.

Ok, have to go. Off to the Drs to have him look at the world's slowest healing surgical incision, all the while aware that mine was just a benign breast tumor, and if slow healing is the worst I have to complain of, then I am damned lucky!

Yesterday when I went in for my teeth cleaning I took along the inevitable waiting room sock. Knitting happily away until the hygienist called me in, I started down the hall talking all the way, peeling off my knitting gloves, starting to stick my sock and gloves and yarn back in my purse... and realized I didn't have any yarn. And looked behind me to see this thin green strand running from my purse, 15 feet down the hall and under the door back out into the waiting room. :-D I tried to act cool, and told the hygienist that it was in case I couldn't find my way out again when we were finished.
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